Post Öykü does not claim the power to smash the idols, to be the one and only in literature, to knock out competitors, to bully the young and to kiss the hands of the elderly, to bring the good happy days to our country, or to be better than the Second New poets (story authors can do that!). I can say one thing for sure: we do not have the power to neglect a good story, a good article, a good magazine, a good book, or a good idea. I find that evil, pettiness, and illusions about the literary world demand a certain effort. And I – in fact, we – cannot find that kind of energy in ourselves.
Our life is all about what we write or what we do. We cannot help but mix in our feelings in this profession, in this literature and magazine business, so we cannot claim to be professionals. Post Öykü reflects what we love, learn, know, feel, think, believe or confuse. When I say “we,” I don’t mean it in a closed, masonic sense. Let’s love together, let’s get thrilled or angry, let’s learn and, of course, let’s write. If you love something, come say it. We’ve made ourselves comfortable and are ready to hear you out.