Launched in 2007, TVNET soon gained popularity with its objective and direct journalism approach.
You can follow up with the latest events in Turkey and the world 24/7 on TVNET. Experts comment objectively on the events in Turkey and abroad, and evaluate the day’s agenda. The latest political, economic and sporting developments are broadcast in real time both on screen and on all TVNET social media accounts.
TVNET tackles news that is not typically addressed on news programs, and makes a difference with an informative broadcast on culture and art, education, health and life.
Having always stood out with broadcasts promoting our region from Jerusalem to Andalusia, and Bosnia to Semerkand, TVNET has established many firsts in Turkey and in broadcasting, and was awarded the “Best Documentary Channel” award.
TVNET is no less original on the digital platform. You can access all television broadcasts on tvnet.com.tr, where you can both watch and read the programs. The TVNET Documentary Library established for this purpose will be live soon.